A downloadable game for Windows

A game created in Mexico City as a part of the Gr8ArtGames gamejam series by Goethe-Institute and Maschinen-Mensch


Videogame where you play as a couple in love who is separated by their nationality. Your task is to reach the end of the border trying to stay as close as possible of your love one evadding the cops and other obstacles.



The game is about a pair of lovers that by a law against immigrants get separated. As they want to be together both characters design a plan to escape from their countries to international waters where they think they will be happy and in peace.

<3 When they are together, love defeats every threat because love is all. <3



The gameplay is simple, it's a top view auto scroller and you have to take control of both characters evadding guards.

While you stay away of your couple you will lose life, the further you are from your couple the quicker you lose life. Stay as close as possible!

You can also pick up a paper to write a letter and send it to the other side of the wall. If the other character takes it, he obtains the power of love during a short lapse of time.



Press SPACE to begin the escape.

Control the girl with W,A,S,D.

Control the boy with the arrows.



Bruno Díaz Martínez y Pablo Luis Jiménez Esquivel.

Additional credits:

Audio: Beso-Kiss Sound Effect Royal Free ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kNlWx2EeVo

Up Shuttlethread Pass, Yoshi Wolly World

Quack hero intro theme - Démian Díaz Martínez

Special thanks:

Johannes Kristmann

Authorsgoethejam014, flkucho
Average sessionA few minutes
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player countSingleplayer


LiebeIstDasEnde.zip 32 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the achive

Enter the Folder

Run: LiebeIstDasEnde.exe

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